7.1 Why the irverse?

The irverse exists as a package to load all of the necessary packages in the Institutional Research Universe of packages. The different projects typically require the same set of packages. Using irverse allows users to ensure that they have all of the correct and required packages loaded in order to complete new analysis and run old analyses. This package is an attempt to make this dependency management easy and abstract away some issues from other users. This is a simple package that can be installed via the remotes package. If you do not have the remotes package you can install it via install.packages("remotes") run in the R console. You can then type or paste the following into the R console as well.

When that is complete, you can load the package in the normal way you would in R via:

## -- Attaching packages --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- irverse0.0.0.9000 --
## v knitr         1.23      v usualsuspects 0.0.1
## v kableExtra    1.1.0     v purrr         0.3.2
## v wfudata       0.1.0     v brms          2.9.0
## v irtools       0.0.1     v janitor       1.2.0
## -- Conflicts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- irverse_conflicts() --
## x janitor::chisq.test()  masks stats::chisq.test()
## x janitor::fisher.test() masks stats::fisher.test()

On load, you will see which packages have been loaded with irverse and where different namespaces23 are masked.

  1. Namespaces are R technical jargon which means that two packages have functions with the same name. If a namespace is masked as in the above it indicates that for example if a user types chi.square they will be using the function from janitor and not stats.