13.3 How It Works
The website is an Rmarkdown website. R Markdown is a file format and language that blends R code with Markdown markup syntax. For an example “# Title” will compile to an H1 header (in html). This makes building websites relatively easy because you do not have to write in html directly.
You edit the .Rmd -> Steps the R Markdown Engine Does -> .html (of the same name)
13.3.1 Location of Files
Two copies of the files are stored.
Additionally, there is a version controlled copy available at https://gitlab.com/wfu-ir-data-lab/reporting-website.
This is useful should anything happen to the local version.
No data are stored in the gitlab version, only the Rmd
Local Version at \\admin2\instres\reporting_website
Live or Served Version at \\acfile\dol\groups\ir