8.2 Course Website Template

Additionally, this package also has a project template that builds the scaffolding for a course website. The theme is inspired by Steven V. Miller and modified to fit the Wake Forest colour scheme. An early implementation of this project template can be seen here. To get the site up and running just modify the _site.yml file with your personal information

name: "Introduction to R"
output_dir: "docs"
  title: "Data Analysis in R"
  - text: "Syllabus"
    icon: fa-handshake
    href: syllabus.html
  - text: "Lectures"
    icon: fa-book
    href: lectures.html
  - text: "Exercises"
    icon: fa-paper-plane
    href: exercises.html
  - text: "Resources"
    icon: fa-hand-paper
    href: resources.html
  - text: "Home"
    icon: fa-folder
    href: https://michaeldewittjr.com
base_url: https://github.com/medewitt/introduction_to_r/
    theme: cosmo
    highlight: textmate
    css: style.css
    df_print: paged
    toc: true
    toc_float: yes
    bibliography: library.bib
    biblio-style: apalike
      after_body: footer.html
      in_header: GA.html
instructor: "Michael DeWitt"
address1: "Office of Institutional Research"
address2: "309 Reynolda Hall"
address3: "Winston- Salem, NC, 27106"
github: "medewitt"
email: "dewittme.wfu.edu"
GA: "GA Code"