2.4 Available Templates

There are several template files available to use.

2.4.1 SAS

There is a SAS template file available on the common drive at: \\admin2\instres\IR Shared Folder for Retention Analysis\_SAS_TEMPLATE.sas. The body of the template is shown below.

***  Project:  Name                                                                              ***;
***  Program:  \\admin2\InstRes\IR Shared Folder for Retention Analysis\here  ***;
***  Author:   Your Name  ***;
***  Started:  2018-01-01 ***;
***  Revised:  N/A***;
***  Revisions:  Note any major or breaking changes to the data***;
***  Purpose:  What I plan to accomplish with this project***;
***  Data Sources: Describe where or who gave you the data ***;

/* Declare Variables */
%let path  = \\admin2\InstRes\IR Shared Folder for Retention Analysis;

%let file_name_base = "my_report";
%let numdate = %sysfunc(today(), yymmddn8.);

"&path\sas data\csv\&myreport_&numdate..csv"

/* Declare Libraries */
LIBNAME OUTDATA  "&path\sas data";

/* Start */

/* End of Program */

2.4.2 R

R templates are generally available through the usualsuspects package which will be discussed in Chapter @ref(#usualsuspects).