4.18 Running the Entire Update Procedure

Once the individual file locations and join statements have been updated to include new data in each SAS program the entire series of programs can be run by running the \\admin2\instres\IR Shared Folder for Retention Analysis\RETENTION_UPDATE.sas program. This program also includes prompts to key the operator to update features:

/*Author Michael DeWitt*/
/*Date 2018-07-23*/
/*Modification Date: N/A*/
/*Modifications: N/A*/
/*Purpose: The purpose of this program is to automatically update all the SAS*/
/*    programs that update the student retention data set.*/

LIBNAME outdata "\\Admin2\InstRes\IR Shared Folder for Retention Analysis\sas data";

/*set path */

%let path = \\Admin2\InstRes\IR Shared Folder for Retention Analysis;

/*!!Update the term interval documents with new dates!!*/

%include "&path\term_intervals.sas";

/*Now update all the feeder data*/
%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_OAA_prep_dev.sas";
%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_acad_support.sas";
%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_admissions.sas";
%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_Census_Enollment.sas";
%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_CES.sas";
%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_course_history.sas";
%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_deposits.sas";
%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_divisionals.sas";
%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_employees.sas";
%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_finaid.sas";
%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_first_payment.sas";
%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_FR_Cohort.sas";
%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_FYS_WRI.sas";
%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_graduation.sas";
%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_greek.sas";
%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_greek_bids.sas";
%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_home_value.sas";
%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_Housing Indicator.sas";
%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_IM.sas";
%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_involvement.sas";
%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_learning_communities.sas";
%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_mag_scholars.sas";
%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_personal_loans.sas";
%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_pre_orientation.sas";
%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_Xparents.sas";
%include "&path\Building FR cohort_file_4_first_destination.sas";
%include "&path\Building FR cohort_file_4_uereca.sas"
%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_Xgeocode.sas"; /* this one takes a while to run */
%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_discipline.sas"
%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_birthdays.sas"
%include "&path\supplemental\2018-09-11_build_transfer_out_info.sas"

/*Make available deceased students;*/
%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_deceased.sas";

/*Combine the files*/
%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_Xcombining_dev.sas";

/*Calculate Retention and generate final dataset*/
/* !!!! DID YOU UPDATE "TERM_OF_INTEREST" to Current Term??? !!!! */
%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_XRetention.sas";

/* Run my long data set */

%include "&path\Building FR cohort file_4_Xlong_format.sas";


PROC FREQ data = outdata.retention_2018;
    TABLES banner_id/ out = freqz_banner noprint;

DATA errors;
    SET freqz_banner;
    WHERE COUNT > 1;

DATA errors;
    SET outdata.retention_2018;
    WHERE banner_id = '06371956';

PROC TRANSPOSE data = errors out = transposed;
by banner_id;

PROC FREQ data = outdata.retention_2018;
TABLES fr_cohort * left_1st_yr;

You should generally run the whole process after each census date.