12.2 Directory Structure

There is a common file structure for each project that takes the following form:

Table 12.2: File Structure
item_name item_type item_purpose
data directory Store derived data
data-raw directory Store raw data
munge directory Cleaning scripts which create the cleaned data objects stored in the data folder
outputs directory This is where output figures and models should be placed
report directory This is where the reports should be stored
src directory This is where analysis scripts should be stored
libs directory This is to store any helper functions that you create during the analysis
makefile makefile A GNU makefile which builds the analysis
README.Md markdown file A README file that describes the project origin and important features

Again, with a sub-folder structure that looks like the following:

Table 12.3: File Structure
item_name item_type parent_folder item_purpose
models directory outputs Store derived models from the analysis
to-be-reviewed directory report Store files for editing
released directory report Store the released copies of the reports

Additionally, there are common files that have common functions:

Table 12.4: File Structure
item_name parent_folder item_purpose
01-import.R munge Import data from stakeholder and combines with the LSDS
02-match.R munge Runs a matching algorithm for causal inference if desired
01-run-analysis.R src Runs several regression analysis and saves the coefficients
02-clean-analysis.R src Cleans up the regression analysis for graphing and the final report