Belt Test, May 2004, Page 3







The famous elite black belt plaque

Getting the black belts put on


Ridiculously happy!!

Still ridiculously happy!!

This group of people could so kick our butts ...

Top Row (L-R): Scott Newbern, Rick McFarland, Charlie Richman, Tim Covey
Bottom Row (L-R): David Coulombe, Jen Coulombe, Scott Fahey, Liza Baron, Gaither Jenkins, Kevin Solis

Scott's poor feet have suffered enough


A whole slew of Karate Club members!

Top Row (L-R): Rick McFarland, David Coulombe, Jen Coulombe, Kevin Solis, Scott Newbern, Tim Covey, Briana Keeling
Middle Row (L-R): Anne Argenta, Mike Morgan, Rachel Mortick, Sarah Wilcox, Gaither Jenkins
Front Row (L-R): Jen Rumney, Scott Fahey, Mike Bolton, Scott Marino, Leigh Allen, Anjana Madan

Great year everyone!

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