Frequently Asked Questions







What is the Wake Forest University Tae Kwon Do Club?
The Wake Forest University Tae Kwon Do Club is one of the oldest university recognized club sports on campus. It is made up of WFU undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, and staff members.

What do we do?
We teach and practice the Korean fighting art of Tae Kwon Do meaning "the art of punching and kicking" (Tae means "to kick," Kwon means "to punch," and Do means "the way"). We practice self defense techniques, fighting combinations, traditional forms, non traditional forms, and fighting (sparring).

Who is in the Tae Kwon Do Club?
The Club is composed of undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, staff, and family members of people who are affiliated with WFU in one of these ways. The current make up of the Tae Kwon Do Club is about 50 percent male and 50 percent female.

What will I gain from the WFU Tae Kwon Do Club?
You will gain experience in self defense and fighting, increase physical conditioning and flexibility. You will enjoy watching your skills and advancement as a martial artist. You may even one day use your skills to save your life.
The WFU Tae Kwon Do Club promotes confidence, self reliance, discipline, skill development, and leadership. We encourage a team-oriented environment -- everyone strives to be the best he or she can be while being supportive of classmates. Above all, your effort, dedication, participation and performance are the deciding factors of how much you will gain from the Wake Forest University Tae Kwon Do Club.

What is the order of belts?
No belt, White Belt, Gold Belt, Orange Belt, Green Belt, Purple Belt, Blue Belt, Red Belt, Second Degree Brown, First Degree Brown (with a stripe), First Degree Black, Second Degree Black, etc.
The reason Second Degree Brown Belt precedes First Degree Brown Belt is based on the military system where, for example, a second lieutenant is lower ranking than a first lieutenant.

What are the criteria for advancement?
Criteria for advancing to any belt level are based on a student's attendance, attitude, and ability to execute proficiently the required techniques at each belt level. At each belt level, a student will be required to demonstrate specific self defense techniques, kicking techniques, fighting combinations, and traditional forms. At the intermediate level, sparring (fighting) is also required. At the advanced level, sparring and forms put to music are also required. To advance, we require a belt test. These opportunities are provided at the middle and end of each semester, and once during the summer session.

Besides belt testing, how do Tae Kwon Do Club members demonstrate ability?
The Tae Kwon Do Club participates in local, regional, and national tournaments. At tournaments, events are broken down by belt level, age, and sex. Tae Kwon Do Club students and instructors compete against students and instructors from other schools in both fighting and traditional forms.

When are students in the Tae Kwon Do Club allowed to spar (fight)?
At the Orange Belt level (third belt) Tae Kwon Do Club students begin sparring (fighting). It takes two belt tests (one semester) to advance to Orange Belt. The Club believes it takes at least until the Orange Belt level to develop proper fighting technique, fighting combinations, flexibility, and control.

How long does it take to advance to Black Belt?
Not everyone who joins the Tae Kwon Do Club or any other martial arts school will achieve the rank of Black Belt. A student's attitude and attendance are critical. In becoming a Black Belt, a student is becoming an instructor and must not only be able to demonstrate excellence in performing Tae Kwon Do, but excellence in teaching it as well. The minimum time to reach Black Belt is six semesters.

How much do other Tae Kwon Do / Karate schools charge?
A survey of Karate and Tae Kwon Do schools in Winston-Salem and the surrounding area revealed that on average these schools charged $30 to $120 a month and offered classes only twice a week for 45 minutes to an hour and fifteen minutes per class. We charge $40 a semester for returning students (with no uniform) and $55 a semester including a uniform and provide lessons three times a week.

What training equipment does the WFU Tae Kwon Do Club provide?
The club provides an air conditioned dojang (training room) with a mirrored wall and rubber coated floor with sparring rings marked. The club also provides two heavy bags (punching bags) including one "wave" bag, a stretch rack, padded hand targets, large padded targets, a re-breakable board, mats for self defense, head gear, hand pads, and foot pads. The Club also staffs many experienced Black Belt instructors.

Where do I order ultra-cool WFU Tae Kwon Do Club merchandise?
Look no further than our own Cafe Press Store, found by clicking here. If you get a gray or white t-shirt, those can be worn on formal practice days instead of your dobok top.

Does the Tae Kwon Do Club do breaking?
The Tae Kwon Do Club performs breaking demonstrations at the beginning of each semester. The boards used are 3/4 to 1 inch thick and are made of pine. The Club does not practice breaking boards, the Club practices perfecting the punching and kicking techniques that are capable of breaking boards.

What do my Tae Kwon Do Club fees paid and University funding go toward?
All of the University funding and one half of the semesterly dues go back to Tae Kwon Do Club students in the form of reimbursement for tournament fees and to help pay for Tae Kwon Do Club dinners and club equipment. The other half of the semesterly dues and the fees for belt testing go toward compensating the staff of instructors.

Does the WFU Tae Kwon Do Club have elected officers and what are their responsibilities?
The Tae Kwon Do Club has four elected officers. The four positions are President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Elections are held once a year during the spring semester. The officers' responsibilities include advertising for new students, petitioning funds from the student government, attending Club Sports meetings, and managing the Tae Kwon Do Club's budget.