Getting on the Listserv







The karate list helps us have a venue to keep members informed of upcoming events. If you would like to subscribe the the listserve, please send an email to In the body of the email, type:

subscribe karate youremailaddress

Conversly, if you decide we're not cool enough for you and want to unsubscribe, please send an email that says:

unsubscribe karate youremailaddress

We're a pretty low-volume list -- the list is mostly used to make announcements or requests. If you want to send an email to everyone on the list, please send an email to Posts don't always have to be strictly in the realm of the club, but please don't post anything that could be considered inflammatory or offensive.

Our other main request is: please please don't post large attachments! (usually photos from tournaments.) If you want them on the webpage, we're happy to put them up. Just remember, we do have people connecting on dial-up, plus, a large enough attachment won't make it to the list, it will just bounce to the moderator.

Any further questions? Please email