The goal of wfudata is to allow access to WFU OIR data easily from within R without haven to type the file path and file name each time.


You can install the released version of wfudata from github:



You can see the list of datasets available.

#>  [1] "_final2"                         "advisers"                       
#>  [3] "continents"                      "continuous"                     
#>  [5] "data_reduced_1"                  "db_student_features"            
#>  [7] "db_student_results"              "deceased_at_wake"               
#>  [9] "divisional_data"                 "divisional_data_final"          
#> [11] "divisionals"                     "emails"                         
#> [13] "enhanced_contact_1"              "enroll"                         
#> [15] "fd_17_final"                     "fd_2017_final"                  
#> [17] "final_retent"                    "final_retent_1st"               
#> [19] "final_retent_1st_14"             "final_retent_1st_no14"          
#> [21] "first_destination_final"         "first_in_forest"                
#> [23] "first_year_data_set"             "first_year_data_set_test"       
#> [25] "fy_retention_2018"               "fys_data_set"                   
#> [27] "hsgpa_samdate"                   "ids"                            
#> [29] "info_census_regions"             "info_continents"                
#> [31] "instructors"                     "left_fy_vs_cohort_final"        
#> [33] "living_learning_rec_history"     "living_learning_rec_history_raw"
#> [35] "mag_scholars_merit_funds"        "oaa_combined"                   
#> [37] "oaa_combined2"                   "parental_im"                    
#> [39] "pre_ori_combined_retention"      "pre_orientation_camp"           
#> [41] "retention_2018"                  "retention_camp"                 
#> [43] "retention_final3"                "retention_final4"               
#> [45] "retention2"                      "retention3"                     
#> [47] "term_intervals"                  "xacad_support"                  
#> [49] "xadmissions"                     "xbid_data"                      
#> [51] "xcampus_rec"                     "xcensus"                        
#> [53] "xcensus_stats"                   "xces"                           
#> [55] "xcommunities"                    "xcourse_hist"                   
#> [57] "xdemographics"                   "xdeposits"                      
#> [59] "xdiscipline"                     "xdiscipline_record"             
#> [61] "xdivisionals"                    "xdonors"                        
#> [63] "xemployees"                      "xfinaid"                        
#> [65] "xfinaid_new"                     "xfinal_dest"                    
#> [67] "xfirst_payments"                 "xfr_cohort"                     
#> [69] "xfys"                            "xgeocoded"                      
#> [71] "xgraduation"                     "xgre"                           
#> [73] "xgreek"                          "xgreek_checking"                
#> [75] "xhome_value"                     "xhousing"                       
#> [77] "xhs_gpa"                         "xim"                            
#> [79] "xinvolvement"                    "xletters"                       
#> [81] "xmag_scholars"                   "xparents"                       
#> [83] "xpre_orientation"                "xpre_orientation_format"        
#> [85] "xsurvey"                         "xtransfer_student_data"         
#> [87] "xwri111"                         "y2_cohorts"                     
#> [89] "yielddata_2"

Then you can directly access them.

df <- wfu_getdata("first_in_forest")

Additionaly, the function makes proper R names (drops the case, fills spaces with _)

Please note that the ‘wfudata’ project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.