
The purpose of wfudata is to allow users to easily access the data store that has been created to house the Longitudinal Student Data Set (LSDS) and other associated data files.


Seeing What’s Available

In order to see what is available you first can use the list_datasets function. This will print to the console all of the data sources that are available to you.

#>  [1] "_final2"                         "advisers"                       
#>  [3] "continents"                      "continuous"                     
#>  [5] "data_reduced_1"                  "db_student_features"            
#>  [7] "db_student_results"              "deceased_at_wake"               
#>  [9] "divisional_data"                 "divisional_data_final"          
#> [11] "divisionals"                     "emails"                         
#> [13] "enhanced_contact_1"              "enroll"                         
#> [15] "fd_17_final"                     "fd_2017_final"                  
#> [17] "final_retent"                    "final_retent_1st"               
#> [19] "final_retent_1st_14"             "final_retent_1st_no14"          
#> [21] "first_destination_final"         "first_in_forest"                
#> [23] "first_year_data_set"             "first_year_data_set_test"       
#> [25] "fy_retention_2018"               "fys_data_set"                   
#> [27] "hsgpa_samdate"                   "ids"                            
#> [29] "info_census_regions"             "info_continents"                
#> [31] "instructors"                     "left_fy_vs_cohort_final"        
#> [33] "living_learning_rec_history"     "living_learning_rec_history_raw"
#> [35] "mag_scholars_merit_funds"        "oaa_combined"                   
#> [37] "oaa_combined2"                   "parental_im"                    
#> [39] "pre_ori_combined_retention"      "pre_orientation_camp"           
#> [41] "retention_2018"                  "retention_camp"                 
#> [43] "retention_final3"                "retention_final4"               
#> [45] "retention2"                      "retention3"                     
#> [47] "term_intervals"                  "xacad_support"                  
#> [49] "xadmissions"                     "xbid_data"                      
#> [51] "xcampus_rec"                     "xcensus"                        
#> [53] "xcensus_stats"                   "xces"                           
#> [55] "xcommunities"                    "xcourse_hist"                   
#> [57] "xdemographics"                   "xdeposits"                      
#> [59] "xdiscipline"                     "xdiscipline_record"             
#> [61] "xdivisionals"                    "xdonors"                        
#> [63] "xemployees"                      "xfinaid"                        
#> [65] "xfinaid_new"                     "xfinal_dest"                    
#> [67] "xfirst_payments"                 "xfr_cohort"                     
#> [69] "xfys"                            "xgeocoded"                      
#> [71] "xgraduation"                     "xgre"                           
#> [73] "xgreek"                          "xgreek_checking"                
#> [75] "xhome_value"                     "xhousing"                       
#> [77] "xhs_gpa"                         "xim"                            
#> [79] "xinvolvement"                    "xletters"                       
#> [81] "xmag_scholars"                   "xparents"                       
#> [83] "xpre_orientation"                "xpre_orientation_format"        
#> [85] "xsurvey"                         "xtransfer_student_data"         
#> [87] "xwri111"                         "y2_cohorts"                     
#> [89] "yielddata_2"

Accessing the Data

Once you have identified the data that you need you can retrieve it using the following:

dat <- wfu_getdata("db_student_results")