Course Description
This course provides an introduction to R programming with a specific focus on data science. Topics include R, RStudio, and R Markdown; visualization, transformation, and wrangling of data; functions, vectors, and iterations; and the basics of linear models (if time allows). The course is divided into the following sections: (1) explore; (2) wrangle; (3) program; (4) model (again if time allows); and (5) communicate.
The syllabus is a general plan for the course; deviations announced by the instructor may be necessary.
Students completing this course will be able to use RStudio to:
- Import data
- Tidy, transform, and visualize imported data
- Write simple functions, leverage vectors, and perform basic iterations
- Fit linear models on tidy data and undertand how they work (contigent on time)
- Communicate analytic results with R Markdown
Text Book
Wickham, H., & Grolemund, G. (2017). R for data science: O’Reilly.
Lecture slides, R code, and datasets will be available (and updated if needed) on Sakai under resources.
Honor Code
As a Wake Forest University School of Business graduate student, you have agreed to abide by the University's “Honor Code,” built on the following four principles:
- I will not lie
- I will not cheat
- I will not steal
- I have a duty to report any honor code violation of which I am personally aware to a member of the Honor Council
All academic work must meet the standards described in the “Honor Code.” Lack of knowledge of the honor code is not a reasonable explanation for a violation. Questions related to course assignments and the honor code should be directed to the instructor.
Attendance and participation are expected for this course. As a courtesy, you should notify the instructor if you plan to miss class for excused or unexcused absences. In the event that you miss class, you are responsible for all the material covered in class.
Team Work
In this course, you will work in groups. As a result, review a short report on team effectiveness and establish a team agreement (sample agreement). Give the instructor a copy of your team agreement contract by the end of the first week of classes. If the contract is violated by a particular team member, an e-mail describing the violation(s) must include evidence of misconduct (e.g., absence in team meetings and lack of contribution), be signed (by all other members), and sent to the instructor by Aug 20 at 11:59pm. The instructor will utilize such e-mail to adjust group project grades.
Laptop Policy
Students are welcome to use laptops in class for note taking and completing class exercises, exclusively. If you plan to take notes, please advise the instructor and email a copy of the notes at the end of each class.
Special Accomodations
Regardless of prior experience (e.g., being a double deac or not), bring accommodations approved by the Learning Assistance Center to the instructor by the end of the second week of classes. For each time that you decide to use special accommodations, especially for the final exam, inform the instructor ahead of time.
If you have any questions about MSBA BAN 6003 (or R and RStudio in general) feel free to contact the instructor via e-mail, in-class, or at 315 Farrell Hall, 1834 Wake Forest Rd, Winston-Salem, NC 27109.