See schedule for the due date. The due time is 11:55pm on the due date. Submit CS1, CS2, and group assignment on Sakai under assignments.
id | topic | description | points |
DC1 | intro to R | master the basics with vectors, matrices, and data frames | 5 | DC2 | vis w/ ggplot2 (p. 2) | take your dataVis to the next level and learn best practices | 5 |
DC3 | web data in R | learn how to efficiently import data from the web into R | 5 |
DC4 | intermediate R | become an R ninja with if-else statements, iteration, and functions | 5 |
DC5 | corr/regression | describe relationships between two numerical quantities | 5 |
CS1 | explore/ wrangle | TBA | 15 |
CS2 | program/ model | TBA | 15 |
To complete the required dataCamp courses (DC1-DC5) you will need to:
- sign up for an account using your full name and your Wake Forest e-mail address
- join the BAN 6003 Summer 2019 team using this invite link. Joining the team allows me to track your progress
Extra credit opportunity: you may also complete up to two additional R courses (by Aug 20 at 11:55pm) for 1 extra credit point (o.5 per course), added to your final grade— for example, if you have a 89 in the course but complete (on time) the machine learning in the tidyverse and writing efficient R code courses I will raise your grade to a 90. Before starting any non-required course(s) for extra credit consult the appropriateness of such course(s) with the instructor.
Identify a problem, use R to explore data related to the problem, and prepare a report of your analysis along with related recommendations. Consider Kaggle competitions.