
Right now the data are limited to “paths” that contain 5 or more students. I will work on filtering out BA/BS/ Minor Students as well.


Sankey diagrams are used to show the flow of students through the course offerings at Wake Forest. The width of the “bar” is proportional to the number of students moving between from a given node into another node. In the below diagrams the flow is shown as the course sequence (irrespective of time). An example would be looking at the all students Sankey. There we can see that the major of students take “Intro to CS” as their first course. Subsequently, a major of students who took Intro to CS then take Fundamentals of Computer Science as their second course. These Sankey diagrams do not consider the term in which the course was taken, just the sequence (e.g. a student may take a CS class in the Fall of their first year and another in the fall of their second year and this will appear as class 1 -> class 2).

Additionally, if you select a node, the Sankey will darken those paths that flow into and out of that note (here taken as classes taken before and after a given class). A purple line indicates a “backflow” of students (e.g. the majority of students take a particular sequence of courses, but a smaller number of students go back to a prior course then they will appear as a purple dashed line).

All Students

BS Students

BA Students

Network Graph

Note that the size is determined by the betweeness measure in the directed graph. The colour of the node is determine by the course level (e.g. 100, 200, etc) while the edges represent the flow between course. The width of the edge is proportional to the number of students.

Summary Metrics

Summary Information

When do Students Take Courses?

Top Courses


Below represents the top repeated classes in CS.